General information about your stay. Read with attention!

If you have not yet filled out the form below, do so now to receive your password.
(If you have already done so, disregard it).


MINORS UNACCOMPANIED by their guardians must send accommodation authorization with

signature recognition (signature) at a notary's office. As provided in art. 82 of law no. 8.069/1990.

Select your accommodation below:


For those who access via BR-369 (Corbélia/Campo Mourão/Maringá), when arriving at the Cataratas interchange, head towards Foz do Iguaçu, and access the Olindo Periolo viaduct and head towards Estrada Alto São Salvador through the Cascavel Velho neighborhood.

For those coming via BR-277 (coming via Santa Teresa do Oeste/ Medianeira/ Foz do Iguaçu) follow BR-277 until the Avenida Carlos Gomes viaduct, continue until UNIOESTE, and access Estrada Alto São Salvador through Rua Universitária (which passes in front of Unioeste).

For those coming via BR-277 (coming from Catanduvas/ Guaraniaçu/Guarapuava), when arriving at the Cataratas interchange, go towards Foz do Iguaçu, and access the viaduct on Olindo Periolo street and head towards Estrada Alto São Salvador through the Cascavel Velho neighborhood.

For those coming via BR-467 (coming from Toledo/ Marechal Candido Rondon/ Guaíra), go to the Cataratas interchange, and continue towards Foz do Iguaçu, and access the Olindo Periolo street viaduct and head towards Estrada Alto São Salvador through Cascavel Velho neighborhood.

For those coming via PR-180 (coming from Três Barras/ Boa Vista de Aparecida/ Quedas do Iguaçu) go to BR-277 and access the Cataratas interchange and continue towards Foz do Iguaçu,  access the Olindo Periolo street viaduct and follow towards Estrada Alto São Salvador through the Cascavel Velho neighborhood.

Are you in CASCAVEL?

Option 01: Via the Olindo Periolo street viaduct and head towards Estrada Alto São Salvador through the Cascavel Velho neighborhood.


Option 02: Via Avenida Carlos Gomes, go to UNIOESTE, and access Estrada Alto São Salvador through Rua Universitária (which passes in front of Unioeste).